Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESSTVaL 2019/2020, Falkenberg, data version 01


This data set contains level 1 and level 2 Doppler wind lidar measurements during 2019-08-15 and 2020-08-31 from different configurations and three different instruments (Halo Photonics Streamline). The purpose of the project part was to evaluate the ability of lidars to retrieve wind gusts. The instruments were replaced next to the Falkenberg meteorological tower in order to have a reference measurement of a sonic anemometer at 90.3m.

The level 2 data are reproducible with this ( code.

The data are structured in folders for years (fesstval_2019 and fesstval_2020), for different devices (wl_, sonic), and foldersof the corresponding different configurations. For each configuration there are the Level 1 files in level_1_* (where denoted the creator) and Level 2 files in level_2_js. The folder /sonic contains Level 2 files for the sonic anemometer in 90.3m of the Falkenberg meteorological tower. In the folders are daily netcdfs-files in SAMD convention with radial Doppler velocities (level1) and 10 minutes mean wind and wind gust peaks (level 2). The lidar wl_44 (fesstval_2020) was located in Lindberg (~5km north of Falkenberg).

Quality: The data set does not contain a full time period but the result of a test campaign where configuration changes and breaks where made. The retrieval contains uncertainty estimates for each retrieved wind value. The data are based on a  new approach and further testings are appropriate.


HALO Photonics Dopller lidar (system_ids: 177, 78, 143, 44, 172)
Metek ultrasonic wind anemometer (factory version USA-1, 20Hz)

Location: Latitude 52,16715, Longitude 14,12275. Falkenberg, Germany Instruments altitude: Latitude 52,16715, Longitude 14,12275. Falkenberg, Germany

Provenance and History: Level 1 files have been created by Deutscher Wetterdienst, Meteorologisches Observartorium Lindenberg.

Project: FESSTVaL (Field Experiment on submesoscale spatio-temporal variability in Lindenberg), a measurement campaign initiated by the Hans-Ertel-Center for Weather Research.

{"references": ["JSteinheuer. (2021). JSteinheuer/DWL_retrieval: DWL retrieval (v1.0). Zenodo."]}

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Steinheuer, Julian ORCID logo; Detring, Carola ORCID logo; Kayser, Markus ORCID logo; Leinweber, Ronny
Publisher Universität Hamburg
Publication Year 2021
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; Open Access;; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 01
Discipline Earth System Research