CePdAl is a unique intermetallic material, where both long-range magnetic order and frustration show up below TN=2.7K. This results in an exotic state, where only two thirds of Ce ions participate in long-range magnetic order whereas the other third remains mainly disordered. The occurring interplay between Kondo physics and magnetic frustration in this metal enables new investigations of strongly correlated effects. Recent investigations of the magnetic-field dependence show a complex phase diagram with different phase transitions. New propagation vectors have fortunately been found and a large amount of short-range order was observed in previous neutron scattering experiments. We now want to investigate the evolution of magnetic order and correlations in CePdAl in a large reciprocal space on the flat-cone diffractometer E2. Especially the occurrence of incommensurability in magnetic field shall be studied probably indicating a presence of additional Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction.