Simulated data files
Simulated single-molecule tracks for characterizing the algorithm described in the article. char_short_sim.h5, char_n_tracks_sim_1.0.h5, and char_long_sim.h5 were used to investigate the effect of changing recording intervals, char_n_tracks_sim_0.5.h5, char_n_tracks_sim_1.0.h5, char_n_tracks_sim_2.0.h5 to examine the impact of the dataset size.
h5 files contain tables created using to DataFrame.to_hdf method from the pandas Python package. Each table is identfied by the key //, where is the simulated recording interval and is an integer identifying a particular simulation execution.
Raw data files
FRET microscopy image sequences of TCR–pMHC interactions of 5c.c7 and AND TCR-transgenic T cells as described in the article. Zip archives' POPC subfolders contain the recorded image sequences with recording delay (in ms) and number of donor excitation frames indicated in the file names. The beads subfolders contain images of fiducial markers for image registration.
Analysis files
Save files generated by the smfret-bondtime analysis software described in the article for 5c.c7 and AND T cell data. Note that these files were generated using a software version predating the version published as 1.0.0. They can nontheless be loaded with the newer version.
In order to load the experimental data,
install smfret-bondtime software
extract raw data
extract analysis files; the current folder should now contain 5cc7 and/or AND subfolders as well as 5cc7.yaml, 5cc7.h5, AND.yaml, andAND.h5 files. If raw data is extracted to a different place, open the respective YAML files using a text editor and adjusts the data_dir entry accordingly.
start the smfret-bondtime software
open the YAML file in the software