The dataset contains waves 1 to 12 of the “POLAT Project. Spanish Political Attitudes Panel”, with information retrieved through online surveys carried out between 2010 and 2020. The dataset includes a total of 657 variables (not all of them are present in each of the twelve waves of the study), including: most important problem facing country, evaluations of the economy, political information consumption, emotions, attitudes towards issues, political trust, political knowledge, political participation, leaders’ evaluation, populist attitudes, modern sexism, ideology, partisanship, and sociodemographic characteristics.
- Description of methods used for collection-generation of data:
In all twelve waves the fieldwork was carried out through CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) by Netquest.
- Methods for processing the data:
The twelve waves of the survey were harmonised and merged using STATA software.
- Instrument- or software- specific information needed to interpret the data:
The data is accessible using the following software: STATA 16, MS Excel, OpenOffice or any other spreadsheet software.
- Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data:
Respondents over the 12 waves of the survey come from the Netquest database, for which "passive" self-registration is not allowed. Therefore, it is not possible for a random Internet user to register in the database without having been previously invited. According to the company, this avoids the professionalization of panelists and minimizes the effects of self-selection. Additionally, each survey included one or more 'trap' questions designed to identify and screen out inattentive respondents.