We merged various digital elevation models (DEMs) published in the recent years and created an up-to-date composite and global solution for Earth’s topography and bathymetry. Compared to the original geographically limited data sets, the final product is a seamless merged grid which additionally provides high resolution and accuracy topography and depth globally.
We provide Earth relief grids w.r.t EIGEN-6C4 global geoid in terms of surface and bedrock elevation, ice thickness, and land-type masks which have been substantially improved w.r.t the global grids found in literature. We assessed the quality of the merged surface elevations w.r.t the heights given for about globally distributed 5000 ITRF stations. The merged surface model shows improvement of a factor of three w.r.t the other commonly used DEMs in terms of standard deviation. In addition to the four grids, GDEMM2024_SUR, GDEMM2024_BED, GDEMM2024_ICE, and GDEMM2024_LTM, we provide two additional files, the surface elevation without water (GDEMM2024_TBI) and the GDEMM2024_GEO file to transform the heights above EIGEN_6C4 geoid to ellipsoidal heights. The final grids are provided both in 30 arcsec and 1arcmin resolution and in GeoTIFF format which is one of the standards that is available in GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) and in almost all GIS software systems.