A dynamic data storage containing the atmospheric concentration/and or emission map data presented in the Emission Observatory website (https://www.emissionobservatory.org).
The data updates every time new locations or gas concentration/emission maps are available/uploaded. Please note that the data are provisional and could be updated after quality control. The data storage system is Amazon Web Service (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3 bucket). Specific information about the data can also be found from the Emission Observatory website https://www.emissionobservatory.org/. The data are presented as showcases of applications of satellite-based
The dataset includes:
- Nitrogen oxide (NOx) annual emission maps over 16 cities and megacities in Africa based on TROPOMI/S5p NO₂ observations
- SO2 concentration maps and annual SO₂ emissions over the Tsumeb (Namibia) copper smelter based on OMI and TROPOMI/S5p SO₂ observations
- Nitrogen oxide (NOx) annual emission maps over 6 coal burning power plants and the Secunda synthetic fuel plant in South Africa based on TROPOMI/S5p NO₂ observations
- 6 OCO-3 Snapshot Area maps (SAMs) including enhancements of column-averaged dry air mole fraction of carbon dioxide (XCO₂) overlapped to the TROPOMI/S5p NO₂ tropospheric columns
- TROPOMI/S5p methane (CH₄) vertical column density 4 background-removed maps over the Hassi Massaoud oil & gas field during the 2020 methane leak
- Annual mean of TROPOMI observations of the tropospheric vertical column density (VCD) of nitrogen dioxide (NO₂)
License and credits:
Satellite images contain modified Copernicus Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI data and NASA OCO-3 and OMI/Aura data processed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute.