Collection consists of Stata do files which reformat the economic activity history, partner history and parenthood history variables included in the ELSA life history study (person-level, wide format) into separate long format files (person-activity-spell, person-child and person-partner format respectively). The aim of the project that the code resulted from was to compare the employment and parenthood histories from age 16 reported in ELSA to the employment and parenthood histories of two of the UK birth cohorts (the 1958 National Child Development Study and the 1970 British Cohort Study) and thus some decisions were necessary for the purpose of harmonisation. The accompanying note sets out the decisions taken in the data management process. This ESRC-funded PhD project compared cohorts to investigate whether and how differences in women and men's labour market and family patterns have changed over time and educational differences in these patterns.
The Stata do files reorganise some of the data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) life history data file (wave_3_life_history_data.dta). For information about the ELSA survey see the survey documentation (link under Related Resources).