Data for: Optimized Sequences for Nonlinearity Estimation and Self-Interference Cancellation


The dataset offers sequences that are optimized for nonlinearity estimation. The sequences are compliant to IEEE 802.11 standards and are given as binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulated orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbol in frequency domain. The sequences are given for various numbers of total subcarriers and positions of occupied subcarriers that match to the training fields defined in the IEEE 802.11 standards. All sequences are normalized to unit power and comply to a maximum peak-to-average-power (PAPR) constraint of 13.05 dB. For each sequence format, one CSV file is given. The columns hold optimized sequences for nonlinearity estimation with orthonormal Laguerre polynomials for each estimation order from P=3 up to P=10.

Metadata Access
Creator Fuchs, Ephraim ORCID logo; Handte, Thomas; Ciochina-Kar, Dana; Verenzuela, Daniel (ORCID: 0000-0003-2425-952X); Ten Brink, Stephan ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Fuchs, Ephraim; Head of Institute Office
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Sony Europe B.V.
Rights CC BY-NC-ND 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Fuchs, Ephraim (Universität Stuttgart); Head of Institute Office (Institute of Telecommunications, University of Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 47387; 78214; 23555; 139968; 15011; 16178; 4845; 47156; 279968; 94794; 156230; 18194; 5828; 29929; 34117; 9746; 11517; 23270; 38131; 11946; 68301; 2435; 7475; 7603
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Design; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; Humanities