Monthly averaged sea temperature at 4 different levels (surface, 20 m, 50m and 80 m) is provided, based on 4 up to 10 observations each month, from January 1974. Observation point is located at 42°03' 00"N, 3°15' 15"E ~4 km offshore L'Estartit (Costa Brava, NW Mediterranean) Each data file (in EXCEL) corresponds to data of a single level: SST (surface), S20T (20 m), S50T (50 m) and S80T (80 m)
Supplement to: Salat, J; Pascual, Josep; Flexas, Mar M; Chin, Toshio Michael; Vázquez-Cuervo, Jorge (2019): Forty-five years of oceanographic and meteorological observations at a coastal station in the NW Mediterranean: a ground truth for satellite observations. Ocean Dynamics