The related publication contributes to the theoretical knowledge of sustainable development operationalized in a sustainable development space based on three sustainable development imperatives: needs, justice, and limits. The space is constituted by six primary goals with associated key indicators and thresholds. This dataset documents the data collection of these indicators, and the data processing and analysis to group countries into sustainable development clusters and calculating numerical traits for each cluster. These clusters are used in the description of the sustainable development narratives in the related publication. All files needed to reproduce our findings, from downloading data to exporting the results, are provided. For guidance on reproduction, see the "00_README.txt"-file.
R, 4.4.1
RStudio, 2024.09.0+375
Quarto, 1.4.553
Available in the file "code_data/sus_dev_space_2_data_download"
.qmd for running the code.
.html for reviewing code and references.