Several geophysical logs were obtained in 2002 in the AIG10 borehole. One set of logs (FMI, UBI, and DSI) were measured by Schlumberger in the deep, open-hole part of the borehole (Daniel et al., 2004; Prioul et. al., 2004). GFZ and ICDP OSG performed two logging campaigns with GFZ standard logging tools (Mud Parameter, SGR, GR-BCS-DIL and MSFL). The first campaign covered the section to a depth of 708 m (depth of casing), the second campaign covers the entire borehole to 1001 m (total depth). In May 2003, a third campaign was conducted by GFZ and IPGP, which included the measurement of a temperature log with GFZ's Distributed Optical Fibre Temperature Sensing (DTS) system.