2022 Swiss-German Adult Survey: Exploring Social Movements, Attitudes, Wealth Distribution, Gender Dynamics, Environmental Concerns, Language, Stereotypes, and Body Image


This project is a joint effort between different member of the social psychology lab at the university of Zurich. Three separate questionnaires have been prepared in 2020, 2021, 2022 as part of this project. Note that most modules/set of questions as well as participation differ based on the year of data collection. This documentation is for the year 2022. In 2022, we recruited a quota-sample of approximately 1'000 participants from the panel provider Bilendi. The sample is quasi-representative for the German speaking parts of Switzerland in their distributions of age, gender, and state of residence. Each lab member proposed a module of questions with –in some cases– an experimental design. The modules of questions include the following topics: 1. Identification with different social movements/issues (e.g., LGBTIQ+, women’s rights, pro-environmental). 2. Ambivalence, self-control, and fatigue. 3. Attitudes toward environmental protection. 4. Wealth distribution between different groups (i.e., men and women; poor and rich people). 5. Opinion toward gendered language. 6. Accuracy of stereotypes. 7. Gender inequalities (i.e., focusing on price differences for hairdressers depending on gender). 8. Self-objectification and body image. It also includes key demographic variables (e.g., nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, transgender status, children, canton of residence, income, level of education, political orientation). Several sections contain an experimental design (see codebook). The material is available in German and (partially) in English. Robert Tobias, Simone Sebben, and Léïla Eisner deserve credit for doing the major share of work involved in programming of the survey, troubleshooting, and monitoring of the quotas. Léïla Eisner prepared the data for publication.

DOI https://doi.org/10.48573/681p-2556
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=c35d006e22d662988a2562b16e5bc18f7cd73fc17e0e38d7cbe4e97d63c50d5d
Creator Ullrich, Johannes
Publisher FORS
Publication Year 2024
Rights Restrictions supplémentaires: Aucune; Zusätzliche Einschränkungen: Keine; Additional Restrictions: None; Permission spéciale: Aucune; Sondergenehmigung: Keine; Special permission: None
OpenAccess true
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Suisse germanophone; Deutschschweiz; German-speaking part; Suisse; Schweiz; Switzerland; Europe occidentale; Westeuropa; Western Europe; Europe; Europa; Europe