Time-Course RNA-Seq analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana shoot meristems during floral transition (accession Tsu-0)


Time-course RNA sequencing during floral transition of micro-dissected meristems from the main shoot of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants are wild-type of the reference accession Tsu-0, (named T in the datasets), derived from stock 96AV of the Versailles Arabidopsis Stock Center. The time-course is made of four sampling time points corresponding to four developmental stages assessed from temporal and phenotypical cues observed on the plants: Vegetative (V), Late vegetative (L), Transitioning (T) and Floral (F). Five to ten meristems were pooled per time point and the entire time course was replicated three times independantly (see Dieudonné S. et al. for details). cDNA was sequenced using NextSeq500 from Illumina. After classical read quality filtering, each sample yielded on average 43 million sequences. English (2024-06-27)

DOI https://doi.org/10.57745/7JI3E7
Metadata Access https://entrepot.recherche.data.gouv.fr/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.57745/7JI3E7
Creator Dieudonné, Sana ORCID logo
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor BESNARD Fabrice
Publication Year 2024
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://spdx.org/licenses/etalab-2.0.html
OpenAccess true
Contact BESNARD Fabrice (ENS de Lyon)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain
Size 9088029539; 8715685579; 8560508569; 9188252572; 8198188850; 8573374203; 9503193735; 8876021829; 8818175223; 9095010980; 8825202769; 8898927997
Version 1.1
Discipline Life Sciences