L, lightness, color space CIE Laba, chromoticity coordinates (green-red scales), color space CIE Labb, chromaticity coordinates (yellow-blue scales), color space CIE LabC, metric chroma, color space CIE LChh, metric hue-angle, color space CIE LChx, chromaticity coordinates calculated from the XYZ tristimulus values CIE 1931y, chromaticity coordinates calculated from the XYZ tristimulus values CIE 1931z, chromaticity coordinates calculated from the XYZ tristimulus values CIE 1931L, Hunter lab color space (tristimulus method, 1948)a, Hunter lab color space (tristimulus method, 1948)b, Hunter lab color space (tristimulus method, 1948)u, CIE Luvv, CIE Luv*u', chromaticity coordinates from the CIE 1976 UCS Diagramv', chromaticity coordinates from the CIE 1976 UCS Diagram