Temp Sensor ID 1 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH TSTempSecondary Spot Temp Correction 1 = 0.00086667Temp Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.0054161Temp Sensor ID 2 = Weather WaterTempPort Spot Temp Correction 2 = 0.10691Temp Uncertainty 2 = +/-0.024801Temp Sensor ID 3 = Weather WaterTempStarboard Spot Temp Correction 3 = 0.13026Temp Uncertainty 3 = +/-0.025846Temp Sensor ID 4 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH TsTempPrimary Spot Temp Correction 4 = -0.30223Temp Uncertainty 4 = +/-0.015059Salt Sensor ID 1 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH TsSalinityPri Spot PSUSalt Correction 1 = -0.098798+0.0027963*timSalt Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.004055The above calibrations have been added to the raw data.