This panel survey is a follow-up study on SOCON 2019 and SOCON 2020. The study can be used to ascertain changes in Dutch society possibly related to the COVID-19 pandemic.The data from the second wave were collected after the first lockdown in 2020 and cover themes that were already present in SOCON 2019 and SOCON 2020, such as attitudes towards Dutch society, social capital, politics and well-being. In addition, the second wave includes questions related to the pandemic and the lockdown, such as concerns about COVID-19 and attitudes and behaviour with regard to the government measures.This panel survey is part of a long-standing research program, aimed at longitudinal research with a strong (a) substantial multi-disciplinary focus on religiosity, values, in-group solidarity and out-group derogation as well as a strong (b) methodological focus on high quality data, valid measurements and innovative data-collection designs.DANS Data Guide 21 available (open access); dataset SOCON COVID-19 panel survey available as of April 2023 (restricted access).
Documentation of a national survey on social cohesion and modernization in the Netherlands.These surveys builds on earlier waves of the Religion in Dutch society survey, which have been conducted in the winters of 1979/1980, 1985/1986, 1990/1991, 1995/1996, 2000/2001, 2005/2006, 2011/2012, and the Social and Cultural Developments in the Netherlands survey 2017, 2018 and 2019.They are part of a long-standing research program, aimed at longitudinal research with a strong (a) substantial multi-disciplinary focus on religiosity, values, in-group solidarity and out-group derogation as well as a strong (b) methodological focus on high quality data, valid measurements and innovative data-collection designs.