In the 4d-electron layered calcium ruthenate series Ca[n+1]Ru[n]O[3n+1], a complex interplay between equivalent spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and electron correlation energies foster exotic physics, an area of physics that has shown significant growth in recent years. In 5d-electron systems, competition between SOC and electron correlations results in a wide array of unconventional electronic phases, which can be generally described in terms of an effective J pseudospin moment arising from crystal field splitting and mixed spin-orbit (S-L) states. In 4d-electron systems on the other side, far less is known about the role of SOC. Indeed, many prior studies consider orbital order to play a dominant role, with SOC as a perturbative effect, similar to 3d-electron systems. Our recent work on Ca2RuO4, however, points to a more significant role of SOC in the ground state. Here we propose to explore the evolution the role of SOC in Ca[n+1]Ru[n]O[3n+1] as the dimensionality increases and a more metallic state is approached by studying magnetic excitation spectrum of the bilayer Ca3Ru2O7 using the triple axis spectrometer IN8 at the ILL, Grenoble.