National Survey of the Unemployed; 1973 Survey and 1976 Follow-Up Survey


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.1973 Survey The aim of the 1973 survey was to establish the nature and extent of the costs of unemployment, the characteristics of the unemployed and the proportion of those out of work who are effectively in the labour market. To assess the efficiency of the public manpower services and financial benefits in making provision for the unemployed. 1976 Follow-up The 1976 survey was undertaken in order to explore the labour market experiences, in the intervening three years, of those first interviewed in the initial 1973 survey.

Main Topics: Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions 1973 Survey Previous employment and any part-time work: industry; whether usual occupation; length of service; time elapsed since leaving; whether considered leaving before (action taken); reasons for leaving; pay; hours/days worked per week; job satisfaction; shiftwork conditions; schemes (pension, fringe benefits); trade union membership; journey to work (time). Attitude to loss of job/job hunting, advice sought, complaints made (outcome), period of notice, lump sum payments received (how spent), method of seeking new job, number of jobs applied for/refusals, type of work sought, any jobs paying less than welfare benefits, intention to seek another job, assessment of helpfulness of employment exchange (reasons), prefer to work or be at home (reasons), pressures to accept job, reasons for accepting job, comparison with previous work. Financial problems (outcome of any non-payments), previous financial commitments, change in activities/habits since unemployment, details of benefits received. Last job applied for, source of information, distance from home, whether usual type of occupation, time elapsed since application, whether training/re-training considered (reasons), whether move considered (reasons), any job offers involving a move, reason for acceptance/non- acceptance, previous unemployment, personal disabilities. 1976 Follow-up Current employment status and details of occupation, whether usual occupation, source of information concerning job, amount of satisfaction, take home pay, whether more or less than would receive from unemployment/ supplementary benefit, whether pay varies, days/hours worked per week, whether any shiftwork. Trade union membership, time taken to travel to work and cost, amount of sckness leave, length of time in job, whether first job since period of unemployment. Previous job, reasons for leaving, method of job-hunting. If not in full-time work: date of leaving last job, whether been in employment in last three years, details of last job (hours/days, take home pay etc.), reasons for leaving, whether currently searching for job, if not - reasons, benefits received, knowledge of special payments and whether any received/applied for. Whether engaged in part-time work or odd jobs, hours worked and pay, whether looking for part-time work. Whether special circumstances make it difficult for respondent to get or do full-time work (e.g. ill health, prison record), details of sickness benefit, whether registered as unemployed, assessment of usefulness/helpfulness of employment exchange/job centre, whether specific jobs were suggested and actions, whether ever felt under pressure to take an 'unsuitable' job. Additional ways of looking for work, type of job sought, whether refused any offers and why, assessment of seriousness of situation. Details of last job applied for, source of information, number of jobs applied for in last month, lowest salary would accept, amount of importance placed on finding a job, likelihood of doing so within next three months. Whether moved or considered moving in past three years, if so - distance moved and reasons, sources of financial help. Whether taken or considered taking training courses. Background Variables 1973 Survey Age, sex, marital status, dependent children, school leaving age, type of school attended, qualifications. 1976 Follow-up Marital status, employment status of spouse currently and during respondent's periods of employment/unemployment, age cohort, sex, relationship to head of household, number of children/adults in household, number of adults in full-time work and relationship to respondent.

One-stage stratified or systematic random sample

benefit offices were selected on a probability basis with probability proportionate to number of unemployed registrants, after stratification according to region, size and level of unemployment. A simple random selection of claimants was made within offices.

Face-to-face interview

Metadata Access
Creator Daniel, W. W., Political and Economic Planning
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 1981
Funding Reference Manpower Services Commission
Rights No information recorded; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.</p>
OpenAccess true
Discipline History; Humanities
Spatial Coverage Great Britain