These data include shapefiles of streamlined subglacial bedforms, elongate bedforms created at the glacier-bed interface by erosional and depositional processes, characterized by polygons across nine isolated bedrock highs in the deglaciated Puget Lowland of Washington state. These data are based on digital elevation models (DEMs) published by Clallam County, Washington Department of Natural Resources, WA, 2008, Quantum Spatial Inc., 2017, 2019; OCM Partners, 2019a, 2019b. Streamlined subglacial bedforms polygons were identified using two semi-automated tools utilizing Topographic Position Index (TPI) methodology (McKenzie et al., 2022) and contour tree-mapping (Wang et al., 2017) used to calculate slope and elevation variations across any Digital Elevation Model, respectively. Shapefile attribute tables and excel file include streamlined bedform morphologies for all 3,273 bedforms categorized into upstream, on top of, or downstream of the topographic bump based on the direction of ice flow. The morphometric information for all bedforms includes features area, width, length, orientation, elevation and slope ranges, and elongation. The morphological characteristics of these streamlined subglacial bedforms provide information on ice-streaming characteristics and changes across topographic highs in the subglacial environment.
We acknowledge the Washington Department of Natural Resources for their LiDAR Portal that made accessing this data possible. The sites analyzed for this work are located on land historically cultivated and inhabited by the Skokomish, Suquamish, Squaxin, Stl'pulmsh, Steilacoom, Puyallup, Muckleshoot, and Duwamish peoples, while much of the data analysis and interpretation were conducted on land cultivated and inhabited by the Monacan Nation. The peoples of these Nations were custodians of the land for time immemorial before forced removal and genocide during colonization. The authors acknowledge their ongoing stewardship of the lands. This work was funded by the Chamberlain Endowment and the H.G. Goodell Endowment at the University of Virginia.References for digital elevation data used:Clallam County, Olympic Department of Natural Resources, Washington Department of Transportation, 2008, Puget Lowlands 2005 [datafile]. Retrieved from Partners, 2019a, 2017 USGS Lidar: Olympic Peninsula, WA from 2010-06-15 to 2010-08-15. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Partners, 2019b, 2019 WA DNR Lidar: San Juan County, WA from 2010-06-15 to 2010-08-15. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Spatial, Inc., 2017, Western Washington 3DEP LiDAR. United States Geological Survey.Quantum Spatial, Inc., 2019, Olympic Peninsula , Washington 3DEP LiDAR. United States Geological Survey.