As part of the project ECOTIP, a field campaign was conducted on the East Greenland continental shelf in May 2022. Three stations were sampled from the tourist icebreaker Le Commandant Charcot: station LCC1 on 13 May 2022, station LCC2 on 14 May 2022, and station LCC3 on 17 May 2022. The data are presented here in three different files netCDF files, with the file title and the ID referring to the sampling station and sampling date (YYYYMMDD): 1), 2), and 3) At each station water was collected with a Nansen water sampler at 5, 15, 35, and 90 m water depth (exception: LCC1 lacks 90 m sample, because bottom depth was 45 m). The collected water was analysed for the following parameters: 1) the concentration of total (> 0.7 micrometre) chlorophyll a (Chl a) (mg Chl a m^-3), 2) the concentration of Chl a > 10 micrometre (mg Chl a > 10 micrometre m^-3), 3) the concentration of total (> 0.7 micrometre) phaeophytin (mg Phaeo m^-3), 4) the concentration of particulate (>0.7 micrometre) organic carbon (POC) (mg POC m^-3), 5) the concentration of particulate (>0.7 micrometre) organic nitrogen (PON) (unit PON mg m^-3), and 6) the atomic ratio of PON:PON. Details on the analysis method and the associated data sets from the same field campaign can be found in each netCDF and in the READ_ME txt. file.