Erde und Tschüss!


Abstract: “Erde und Tschüss!” is a gripping German film directed by Jürgen J. Köster that unfolds the thrilling tale of a spaceship crash with ties to a global conspiracy. The story revolves around Tarik D’eau, a bookshop owner from Bremen, and his group of friends, who embark on a journey to assist an unfortunate astronaut, Dr. Isa Tietze, after her spacecraft crashes. Details: The film narrates the story of a spaceship crash linked to a global conspiracy. As Tarik, a bookseller from Bremen, and his friends try to help the unfortunate astronaut whose spaceship crashed, they are drawn deeper into a web of lies, truth, falsehood, and reality. A group of strangers become friends as they attempt to uncover the truth about the actual condition of the polluted Earth and its ecosystem. Even though they cannot foil the nefarious plans of the environment minister, the group moves together to a new, unspoiled country with promising opportunities and hope for the future. 7th March 2035 is the first of the nine days that will change the life of Tarik D’eau, a bookshop proprietor from Bremen, and his friends. On this day, Dr. Isa Tietze, an injured astronaut, gathers her remaining strength to seek help at Tarik’s bookshop. The astronaut cannot remember the exact cause of the accident, but Isa Tietze suspects someone intentionally wanted to murder her. Fortunately, two of Tarik’s friends work as private detectives. They are willing to uncover the mystery behind Tietze’s attempted murder, which would have erased scientific knowledge from her space research. Meanwhile, the minister for environment and her assistant explain the urgency of “catching the astronaut – alive or dead” to the local police. Tarik and Isa flee, trying to evade the police. They find refuge at Bremen’s local history museum, where they run into world-famous Bagpiper Sarah Bauer. Bauer invites them to a concert in a restaurant, which they agree to attend as Isa had been deprived of the pleasure of listening to live music for a long. The police continue searching for the duo and arrest them with a few other guests at the concert. The group consisting of Isa, Tarik, the bagpiper Sarah, the private detectives, a museum guide, and a football trainer is taken to the Ministry of Environment, where they are imprisoned in a makeshift cell. The Minister of Environment wants to keep under wraps the spaceship accident, and murder attempts on astronaut. She blackmails the public prosecutor into sentencing the astronaut Isa Tietze. The public prosecutor refuses and insists on a fair process. The group flees the Ministry of Environment with the help of a hidden key and seeks refuge at the football coach’s clubhouse. Isa remembers a radio message she vaguely heard before the accident in space: A secret operation called “Malachy 13”, a universal chip cards programme supported by the Minister of Environment. The public prosecutor triangulates Isa’s tip of a global conspiracy and enlists the police to find the environment minister, who is now on her way to the airport. A select group of wealthy elites equipped with chip cards and the Minister of Environment are fleeing to Mars. The Minister of Environment even manages to bribe the police officials to evade arrest, and the wealthy elites take off for Mars to escape the contaminated Earth. Dr. Isa Tietze proposes to move to a different country, a new country that is not as destroyed and affected by environmental catastrophes as the Earth. On the ninth day after the spaceship crash, a new adventure begins for Isa, Tarek, and the private detectives as their ship sets sail. They part ways with the football coach as he stays put in Bremen, unwilling to leave his team behind.

Metadata Access
Creator Jürgen J. Köster
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor SoledadPereyra(at)
Publication Year 2023
Rights compagnon cooperation inklusiver film; Martinsclub Bremen; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language German
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 386 Bytes
Version 2023-12-15T13:37:57.939+01:00
Discipline Humanities