An Electronic Nematic Liquid in BaNi2As2


Understanding the organizing principles of interacting electrons and the emergence of novel electronic phases is a central endeavor of condensed matter physics. Electronic nematicity, in which the discrete rotational symmetry in the electron fluid is broken while the translational one remains unaffected, is a prominent example of such a phase. It has proven ubiquitous in correlated electron systems, and is of prime importance to understand Fe-based superconductors. Here, we find that fluctuations of such broken symmetry are exceptionally strong over an extended temperature range above phase transitions in BaNi$2$(As${1−x}$P$_x$)$_2$ , the nickel homologue to the Fe-based systems. This lends support to a type of electronic nematicity, dynamical in nature, which exhibits a particularly strong coupling to the underlying crystal lattice. Fluctuations between degenerate nematic configurations cause a splitting of phonon lines, without lifting degeneracies nor breaking symmetries, akin to spin liquids in magnetic systems

Raman scattering data

Metadata Access
Creator Le Tacon, Matthieu ORCID logo
Publisher Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Contributor RADAR
Publication Year 2023
Rights Open Access; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-tar
Discipline Natural Sciences; Physics