Two decades ago, Merrihue (1964) reported 3He/4He ratios of >10-4 in ferromagnetic separates from a Pacific deep ocean red clay and concluded that the high ratio is due to extraterrestrial debris amounting to ~1% of the sediment. A decade later Krylov et al. (1973) compiled 3He/4He isotopic data on ocean sediments measured in the Soviet Union and observed that the 3He/4He ratio is generally higher in pelagic sediments where the sedimentation rate is lower. They suggested that the high 3He/4He ratio was attributable to extraterrestrial materials which were concentrated in slowly accumulating ocean floor. However, these important discoveries were almost completely neglected until we re-examined the problem. We have measured 39 sediments from 12 different sites, 10 sites from the western to central Pacific and two sites from the Atlantic Ocean. We find 3He/4He ratios >5 * 10-5 for six sites, well above the values generally observed in common terrestrial materials. The very high 3He/4He ratio in the sediments is probably due to input of extraterrestrial materials. Input of stratospheric dust of <1 p.p.m., which corresponds to a fallout rate of ~2,000 tons per year, can explain the observation.
Errors in 3He and 4He consist of 50% of the hot blank and 1 sigma in the mass spectrometry, the former being much larger than the latter.
Supplement to: Ozima, Minoru; Takayanagi, M; Zashu, S; Amari, Sachiko (1984): High 3He/4He ratio in ocean sediments. Nature, 311(5985), 448-450