Replication Data for: On the Billefjorden fault zone in Garmdalen, central Spitsbergen: implications for the mapping of major fault zones during geological fieldwork and for the tectonic history of Svalbard


High-resolution version of the figures in the manuscript "On the Billefjorden fault zone in Garmdalen, central Spitsbergen: implications for the mapping of major fault zones during geological fieldwork and for the tectonic history of Svalbard".

CorelDraw, 2017

Hugin Panorama photo stitcher, 2018.0

Metadata Access
Creator Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P. ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Jean-Baptiste Koehl; University of Oslo; Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P.; Stokmo, Eirik M. B.
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Research Council of Norway 322421 ; Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics 223272 ; European Commission (Horizon 2020) 101023439
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Jean-Baptiste Koehl (University of Oslo)
Resource Type High-resolution version of figures; Dataset
Format text/plain; image/jpeg
Size 7134; 1171026; 58155448; 77520761; 115478280; 7639505; 80784800; 33330263; 48695525; 19466262; 4178551; 165045029; 340133844; 285881388; 268904755; 232516659; 274264225; 158783988; 26954509; 163431998; 518556353
Version 1.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geology; Geosciences; Geospheric Sciences; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (15.897W, 77.982S, 18.237E, 78.838N)