The data are linked to a research article published in Evolutionary Applications (2023) by Claire Godineau, Victor Fririon, Nicolas Beudez, François de Coligny, François Courbet, Gauthier Ligot, Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio, Leopoldo Sanchez and François Lefèvre ( Any reuse of the data must cite the research article: see full reference for citation in the metadata of this archive.
The research investigates how silviculture reduces natural density-dependent selection in tree populations. The data contain a full factorial design simulation plan with the demo-genetic forest model Luberon2 combining 11 genetic backgrounds, 7 silvicultural scenarios and 3 disturbance regimes resulting in 231 scenarios that were replicated 10 times, i.e. 2310 simulation runs in total.
The archive includes all necessary elements to reproduce the research: (i) a stand alone version of the model; (ii) the input and output files of the simulations presented in the publication; (iii) the R scripts used to analyze the simulation outputs and reproduce the figures presented in the publication.