Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the third wave of the longitudinal mobility survey ( longitudinaal verplaatsingsonderzoek ). Subsequent waves will be stored under different study numbers. The survey monitors ( changes in ) transportational behaviour, mobility and effects of raising tariffs for public transportation. Data were gathered by questionnaire and diaries, describing all mobility during one week. Detailed data were gathered on: family composition, financial situation of family, working hours, commuting, travelling allowances, car, train, use of reduced fare cards for public transport. This wave consists of seven files, containing family-data( A=SPSS-file, D=raw data ), family member-data ( B=SPSS-file, E=raw data ), transfer-data( C=raw data ), week-matrices ( F=raw data ) and commuting data ( G=raw data ) respectively. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ consumption of durables