Consumer survey on durables, alcoholics, holidays, cosmetics and foods but also questions about the European Community and other European countries. Living conditions now in comparison with 5 years ago / other countries with a better standard of living / durables in main home of respondent, which of them was acquired in the last 3 years / ( non- ) portable audio equipment / ownership or use of transport ( not car ) / facilities at home / ownership of hand gun, rifle, military gun, musical instrument, cordless or mobile telephone, answering machine, exercise machine / type of still camera and use / private and-or company car, make, characteristics and facilities of car / types of alcohol drunk in the last year and frequency / knowledge of European Community, which countries should be member of EC / heard, read or seen anything of the Single European Market ( SEM ) / SEM, EC is a good-bad thing / statements about EC / for-against unification / confidence in church, media, army, education system, trade unions, advertising industry, police, parliament, civil service, local government, social security, EC, European Parliament / values and beliefs: fight against social injustice, driving after drinking, people smacking their children, marry someone with different background, abortion marriage, smoking in public places, not declaring income / work, woman's position, marriage, satisfaction with own life, religion, communism / activities around the house / which languages does respondent speak fluently, which good enough to read a book, language spoken at home / sports, exercise, food in relation to health, vegetarian / consumption of diet drinks / smoking habits / pets at home / buying books ( also by post ), most expensive book, type of book, nr. of books read / frequency of watching television, nr. of newspapers, magazines / detailed information about holidays / use of numerous toiletry articles and cosmetics/ articles for washing and shaving / use of spectacles, contact lenses / various foodstuffs available at home / use of convenance meals, frozen, chilled, ready to heat, take-away / various cleaning items available at home / payment affairs: cheque book, bank account, credit cards, types of insurances, savings / has main wage-earner and-or respondent professional or occupational qualifications / frequency of respondent's visiting his-her mother / detailed information about home / Reader's Digest magazine subscription / questionnaire version / language of interview ( Switzerland and Belgium only ). Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure