Phytoplankton biomass during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV13


Phytoplankton samples were taken by bottles from different depths between 0 - 150 m with up to 2 replicates per depth horizon. Samples were concentrated by back filtration using nucleopore filters (D=1.5 µm). Samples were fixed by Lugol's solution and - after sample blooming - by 40% formaldehyde. After expedition samples were concentrated by siphon down to 2-10 ml volume. Calculations of phytoplankton cell numbers were made in 0.05 ml drop using a light microscope and then recalculated for 1 liter using a coefficient (as given in the data table). Biomasses of phytoplankton algae were calculated considering cells' volumes by equating real or average volumes of cells to corresponding geometric figures (Senichkina, L,1986, The calculation of cell volumes on diatoms using the coefficients at volumetric capacity, Hydrobiological Journal 22:56-59, in Russian).

Related Identifier IsPartOf
Metadata Access
Creator Piontkovski, Sergey; Georgieva, L V; Senichkina, Ludmila G
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol
Publication Year 2011
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 380770 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-31.462W, 6.020S, -21.567E, 52.650N); North Atlantic Ocean; Canarias Sea
Temporal Coverage Begin 1982-07-04T12:05:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1982-10-10T05:35:00Z