We have recently completed x-ray reflectivity, neutron reflectivity [RB810041], and sum frequency spectroscopy experiments using non-ionic surfactants adsorbed at the ethylammonium nitrate (EAN) ¿ air interface. The key difference between adsorbed surfactant layer structures in EAN and water is the increased area per molecule in EAN. The greater size of molecules solvating the surfactant head group (EAN versus water) could account for this observation, but penetration of the cation ethyl group into the surfactant tailgroup layer may also play a role. This penetration can be prevented by disrupting the attraction between surfactant tails and the cation via the attachment of an alcohol moiety i.e. using ethanolammonium nitrate (EtAN). Experiments using EtAN will therefore allow us to comment on the origin of the increased area per surfactant values in the ionic liquids compare to water.