Vegetation and soil properties in subalpine and alpine belts in the Tatra Mountains


The data present characteristics of the spatial pattern of vegetation in the Kocioł Świński Goryczkowy (upper part of the Goryczkowa Świńska Valley) and the Kocioł Gąsienicowy (the upper part of the Sucha Woda Valley), in the Tatra Mts. In the Kocioł Świński Goryczkowy the study area was located at between 1640 and 1890 m a.s.l. in the alpine and subalpine belt, while in the Kocioł Gąsienicowy it was located between1820 and 1970 m a.s.l. in the alpine belt. Vegetation data were collected on phytosociological releves at study plots. The data were collected during field surveys in June-August period in 1992-1993. The Braun-Blanquet scale was used to assess species cover. Soil samples were collected at the same site. The following properties of the soil samples were analysed in the laboratory: grain size composition by sieve method and the Bouycousa areometric method of in modification of Casagrande, conductivity and pH by potentiometry. In addition, pH and conductivity were measured in the field twice a year (spring and autumn) using a Hach 01 pH meter and Hach 01 conductometer. Data on vegetation, soils and geomorphological processes were used to identify a linkage between vegetation and relief.

Data were collected during field research funded by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the project of Committee for Scientific Research.Species vegetation cover is given according to the Braun-Blanquet scale:+ - <5%; few individuals, 1 - <5%; numerous individuals, 2 - 5%-25%, 3 - 25%-50%, 4 - 50%-75%, 5 - 75%-100%Vegetation types as given in the dataset table are:a - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi typicumb - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi typicum mossy formc - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi typicum moss form in transition to salicetosum herbaceaed - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi caricetosum sempervirentise - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi caricetosum sempervirentis form with Vacciniumf - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi pioneer form with Luzula spadiceag - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi form with Luzula spadiceah - Luzuletum spadiceaei - "Vaccinietum myrtilli"j - anthropogenic rich swardk - anthropogenic community with Alchemilla sp.l - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi sphagnetosumm - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi typicum form with Vaccinium myrtillusn - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi post-grazing subalpine formo - Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi post-grazing subalpine form with Calamagrostis villosap - Calamagrostietum villosae tatricumq - Festuca picta - community

Metadata Access
Creator Rączkowska, Zofia ORCID logo; Kozłowska, Anna
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference State Committee for Scientific Research (Komitet Badań Naukowych) ROR 6P202 019 04 Przemiany środowiska przyrodniczego otoczenia Kasprowego Wierchu pod wpływem czynników naturalnych i użytkowania turystycznego (Changes of the natural environment of the Kasprowy Wierch surrounding under the influence of natural factors and the tourism)
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 4194 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (19.958W, 49.218S, 19.987E, 49.233N); Carpathian Mountains