Two stem core samples of all trees of a subplot of approximately 1 a. Basal Area, Wood volume increment per area estimation
Investigation of the relation between dendroparameters of dominance/surpression and stem growth. Abgleich Jahrringdaten mit Inventurdaten.
Paper Citation:
Nehrbass-Ahles C, Babst F, Klesse S, Nötzli M, Bouriaud O, Neukom R, Dobbertin M, Frank D (2014) The influence of sampling design on tree-ring-based quantification of forest growth. Global Change Biology, 20 (9): 2867–2885. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12599
Klesse S, Etzold S, Frank D (2016) Integrating tree-ring and inventory-based measurements of aboveground biomass growth: research opportunities and carbon cycle consequences from a large snow breakage event in the Swiss Alps. European Journal of Forest Research, 135 (2): 297-311.