Aktualna politična vprašanja so se tokrat osredotočila na novo stranko Solidarnost, mednarodno finančno pomoč in odstop senata Komisije za preprečevanje korupcije. Anketiranci so izrazili mnenje o tem, kakšne možnosti bi imele posamezne stranke na morebitnih predčasnih volitvah, kot vedno pa je bila merjena tudi trenutna podpora vladi. Anketi je bil tokrat dodan tematski sklop o igrah na srečo, pri čemer se je ugotavljalo pogostost igranja posameznih iger na srečo.
This time the actual political questions concentrated on the newly established political party Solidarnost, international monetary help and the senate of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption stepping down. The respondents expressed their opinion to evaluate the chances of individual political parties at the hypothetical preliminary elections. As always, the support of the government at that time was measured. The study includes an additional topical part about gambling, which is used to establish the frequency of participation in individual gambling games.
Verjetnostno: stratificiranoProbability.Stratified
Probability: StratifiedProbability.Stratified
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI