We present results of oxygen isotope, saturation magnetization (Ms) and coercivity (Bc) data from a speleothem from northern Tasmania, Australia.The depths are relative to the base of the stalagmite. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the stalagmite were analyzed by two laboratories, Beijing Createch Testing Technology Co., Ltd. for the base section (Gen-A4) and Australian National University for the upper section (Gen-A3). The oxygen isotopic values are reported with respect to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) standard and the Peedee Belemnite (PDB) standard, respectively. The d18O record spans 129.6 - 108.6 ka BP.The Gen-A4 portion has an exceptional hysteresis loop and grey level measurements. The Ms and Bc are derived from hysteresis loop.
Stable isotope analysis of Gen-A4 (n=292) was performed on a ThermoFisher Scientific GasBench II equipped with a CTC Combi-Pal autosampler and linked to a 253 plus mass spectrometer at Beijing Createch Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Isotope ratios are reported with respect to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) standard with a one-sigma external error < ±0.15‰ for δ18O.Stable isotope analysis of Gen-A3 was conducted on an automated individual-carbonate reaction (Kiel) device coupled with a Finnigan MAT 251 mass spectrometer at Australian National University. Isotope ratios are reported with respect to the Peedee Belemnite (PDB) standard.