This data publication provides a collection of ground-motion simulation output for potential future earthquakes in the Rhine Graben area, Germany. Such data can be used as input for other engineering calculations, such as dynamic response history analysis.
The earthquake sources used for the simulation consist of a stochastic catalog. They were generated using the German national seismic hazard model, the event-set calculator in the OpenQuake engine (Pagani et al., 2014), and considering both areal seismic source and known tectonic faults in the area as seismic sources in the analyses (branch C in Grünthal et al.,2018). The generated events represent a possible realization of the seismicity in the area within 10,000 years with peak ground accelerations greater than 0.02g. To build the simulation database, ground-motion simulations are performed using these potential future earthquakes from stochastic catalog and adopting the simulation method of Graves and Pitarka (2010, 2015) implemented in the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) broadband platform (BBP), which is tailored for use in the Rhine Graben, as discussed in Razafindrakoto et al. (2021). Here, the approach used to simulate the ground-motion is only briefly discussed; a more accurate description is given in Razafindrakoto et al. (2021), discussing the calibration and validation of ground-motion in the Rhine Graben area.
Accordingly, the provided data consists of a simulation output of 284 scenario earthquakes at 76 virtual stations in the Rhine Graben area. The files provided here include the earthquake source, station information, and the simulation results in terms of time histories for individual simulation in one zip file, and a flatfile that combines various intensity measures for all sources and stations.