This research is a study of a quality of health care services in Slovenia in three sectors: public, private and semiprivate. We structured sample with three quotas of users to be able to compare their experiences and options. Privatisation of health care in Slovenia brought many promises about overall higher quality of health services - this study proves that, but it also shows that many problems were not tackled with the process of privatisation, like waiting lines, users' sense of security etc.
This research is a study of a quality of health care services in Slovenia in three sectors: public, private and semiprivate. We structured sample with three quotas of users to be able to compare their experiences and opinions. Privatisation of health care in Slovenia brought many promises about overall higher quality of health services - this study proves that, but it also shows that many problems were not tackled with the process of privatisation, like waiting lines, users' sense of security etc. (see publications for more detailed information).
Probability: MultistageProbability.Multistage
Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI