Aspergillus nidulans responds to different wavelengths of light through red- and blue-light receptors. The blue light receptors are the 'white collar' protein LreA and the cryptochrome CryA. Red light is sensed by phytochrome FphA, which integrates the light signal into MAPK HogA/SakA pathway. To identify light-regulated genes under different light conditions and to investigate the interplay between different photoreceptors, we conducted RNA sequencing with the wild type strain (SJR2), the fphA-deletion strain (SJR10), the lreA-deletion strain (SSR56) and the sakA-deletion strain (SZY31). Before RNA isolation, A. nidulans strains were cultured for 18 hours in the dark and then illuminated with red, blue or far-red light for 15 minutes.