The Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) has carried out research into the effectiveness of accessibility plans in secondary schools, funded by DRILL (Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning). Accessibility plans are legal documents that set out how, over time, a school plans to increase access to the curriculum and the physical environment for disabled pupils, and to make written information more readily available in a range of different formats. 12 focus groups were conducted across England, consisting of disabled young people, parents of disabled young people, and education professionals. Participants shared their experiences relating to the impact of accessibility plans on a range of school practices.Interviews were also held with a small number of parents and alongside the field study, there were two sets of online surveys, accessing almost 350 parents and professionals.
We carried out focus groups with 18 disabled young people from across England, 28 parents of disabled young people from across England and 22 education professionals from across England. We did interviews with 5 parents of disabled young people from across England. An online survey was completed by 237 parents of disabled young people from across England and 96 education professionals from across England.