Temperature dependence of the coercive stress in rhombohedral PZT ceramics
The aim of the proposed experiment is to determine the temperature dependence of the coercive stress, i.e. the critical stress required to induce ferroelastic domain switching,... -
Ferroelectric-antiferroelectric phase transformation behaviour in bismuth-mod...
The proposed experiment involves measurement of the structural changes during the ferroelectric rhombohedral to antiferroelectric orthorhombic phase transformation in PZT... -
Residual stress investigation in inertia friction welds of RR1000 superalloy
Nickel based super alloys are utilized at high temperatures, in aggressive environments, and therefore important for aeroengine applications. RR1000 is a nickel-based... -
Rheological properties of ice-rock mixtures
The large icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn are denser than pure water-ice and so must contain "rock" contaminants that can greatly affect each moon's geological (and hence... -
High strain rate studies of twinning
Where a material can plastically deform by more than one mechanism, the relative extent to which the various mechanisms operate often depends on the strain rate. Most metals... -
Exploration of Elastic Anisotropy in Nanolaminate MAX Phases
MAX phases such as Ti3SiC2 have an exciting combination of properties however no single crystals are available to enable measurement of their intrinsic (single crystal - SC)... -
The influence of texture on mechanical twinning in calcite
We request 3 days of beam-time on ENGIN-X to investigate the influence of lattice preferred orientation on the onset of mechanical twinning in polycrystalline calcite (CaCO3)... -
Effect of Anelasticity on Creep Behaviour
Nuclear power generation plants undergo start-up/shut-down load-temperature cycles during service operation. Components operating at temperatures in the creep regime can exhibit... -
Development of high resolution detectors for Bragg edge time of flight transm...
The energy of transmitted neutrons can be obtained from their time-of-flight, simultaneously with the acquisition of the transmission radiographic image by a pixilated detector.... -
Influence of rafted microstructures on the in-situ strain response of single ...
The proposed experiment concerns the role of microstructure on the high temperature deformation behaviour of single crystal Ni-base superalloys. This class of material is of... -
Reduced Residual Stresses In Multipass Welds Using Low Transformation Tempera...
The aim of this experiment is to characterise the residual stresses that evolve as a multiple pass weld is built up, while exploiting transformation plasticity due to specially... -
Determination of structure of stress-induced martensite in NiTi shape memory ...
The stress-induced martensitic deformation and variant conversion (due to straining in the martensite state) of a Ti-50.8% Ni shape memory alloy will be studied. Macroscopic... -
The effect of elastic stress on the martensite transformation in commercial T...
This proposal intends to investigate two ideas relating to TRIP steels in one experiment. Firstly, in-situ cooling under constant elastic stress will be performed to determine... -
In-Situ Residual Stress Measurement by Neutron Diffraction in Cold Weld Repai...
Grade 91 pipes and tubes have become a standard material for the design of new and refurbishment of existing Power Plants. Several major failures have been encountered after... -
Measuring strains in low-symmetry, crystal-chemically complex, hydrous minerals
We request 4 days of beam-time on ENGIN-X to measure the development of elastic strains in geologically important minerals as a function of uniaxial load. We wish to perform... -
Continuation of Proposal (RB820197): The elasto-plastic response of dual-phas...
In the current proposal we propose to test Zr-2.5Nb samples cut at a range of angles (0, 22.5, 45, 67.5 and 90°) in the RD-TD plane in in-situ compression at room temperature.... -
Intergranular strain development during biaxial loading
The experiment will measure the development of Type II intergranular strains in 316 stainless steel as a function of applied stress for stress states ranging from uniaxial to...