Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1968
Raziskava SJM 68 je prva iz serije raziskav Slovensko javno mnenje. Vprašalnik je bil razdeljen po tematskih področjih. Precej vprašanj je namenjenih oceni učinkovitosti... -
Slovenian Public Opinion Survey 1969
V raziskavi slovenskega javnega mnenja leta 1969 so raziskovalci ponovili nekatere teme iz raziskave pred enim letom. Ponovno je bil v raziskavo vključen tudi sklop vprašanj o... -
Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 1992-1993
The "Familie-enquête Nederlandse bevolking 1992-1993" ( Netherlands Family Survey 1992 - 1993 ) is a dataset on socio-economic characteristics and family background of spouses (... -
Replication Files: “Kärnten”=Austria, “Koroška”=Yugoslavia?
In 1920, the Carinthian plebiscite was organized to decide whether an ethnically and/or linguistically heterogeneous area in South-East Carinthia was to be part of the... -
Daten, Code/Syntax: Abstimmen wie Zuhause – transnationales Wahlverhalten tür...
The paper presents the results of an empirical analysis of electoral behavior of Turkish citizens in Germany using the case of the elections to the Turkish parliament in 2018.... -
Code/Syntax: Die AfD-Wahlabsicht aus ungleichheitssoziologischer Perspektive
Der Artikel geht, auf der Basis der Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften (ALLBUS) aus dem Jahr 2016 (http://dx.doi.org/10.4232/1.12796), den Fragen nach, welche sozialen... -
digilog@bw—Dynamics of Participation in the Era of Digitalisation. Cross-sect...
The study, funded by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, is carried out jointly by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, and... -
Political Identities and News Consumption in Election Times (PINCET)
These data come from several web surveys among the German population 18 years and older who live in Germany and were eligible to vote in the 2021 federal election. Respondents... -
Political Identities and News Consumption in Election Times (PINCET)
These data come from several web surveys among the German population 18 years and older who live in Germany and were eligible to vote in the 2021 federal election. Respondents... -
More than the Radical Right Gender Gap? How masculine feelings of group threa...
While the radical right gender gap – men are more likely to vote for far-right parties than women – has been a well-documented phenomenon, gender perspectives have...