Kreativnost in odkrivanje talentov
Zgodnja raziskava na temo Kreativnost in odkrivanje talentov. Early research of Creativity and identification of talents. DrugoSampProc_Other OtherSampProc_Other Drugoni... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: avfallsord
Swedish - Finnish glossary containing waste words. Published in Kieliviesti 3/2005. Contains approximately 210 entries. 2005. Svensk-sverigefinsk ordlista med avfallsord.... -
Parental Home and School (Social Class, Intelligence and School Success)
Child-raising style, school success and social structure. Topics: The data set contains four different survey parts: 1. Schoolchildren: intelligence test (PSB after Horn);... -
Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB): WiTTLex - The WiTTFi...
WiTTLex - The WiTTFind Lexicon of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Nachlass, with Frequency Lists and Indication of the Words’ Sources in the Nachlass WiTTLex is an electronic... -
Keywords and n-grams from a textbook corpus
Wordlists, keywords and n-grams were extracted from a corpus of textbooks for Slovenian elementary and secondary schools. The corpus contains 4,302,857 words (5,373,268 tokens),... -
Core vocabulary for Slovenian as L2 1.0
The Core vocabulary for Slovenian as L2 is based on an analysis of the vocabulary appearing in the KUUS corpus (http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1696), which includes textbooks for... -
Frequency list of textbook vocabulary by level of education in elementary and...
The dataset contains a list of 11906 words (lemmas with part of speech information) and their frequency of occurrence in a corpus of Slovenian textobooks, covering elementary...