6 datasets found

Keywords: transcriptions

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  • 1990_Skubiszewski

    pierwsze expose MSZ III RP
  • PELCRA PARL corpus

    The corpus comprises 50 sampled recordings (12 hours) and manual transcriptions (ca. 101 00 word tokens) of parliamentary data.
  • expose 1990-2014

    expose MSZ 1990-2014
  • EvaldioData 1.0

    EvaldioData 1.0 is the language corpus of spoken performances by non-native speakers of Czech. It includes recordings capturing the oral part of the Czech Language Certificate...
  • EKKD115: Eesti mitmekeelse keelekeskkonna andmestik

    Siin repositooriumis on projekti "Eesti mitmekeelse keelekeskkonna andmestik" raames kogutud tekstid ja link keelemaastike pildikaardile. 1) Eesti-inglise kakskeelsete...
  • Estonian Teen Language Corpus

    Estonian Teen Language Corpus (Eesti teismeliste keele korpus) is a corpus representing spoken and written language data, collected from Estonian teenagers (ages 9-18) between...
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