Tax register of The Hague, 1674
This dataset contains personal particulars of taxpayers in The Hague, and tax paid in 1674. -
Tax register of Leiden, 1674
The dataset is based on two sources, both originating from the year 1674: 1) a capital assessment list: 'Tweehonderdste Penning' and 2) an income assessment list: 'Klein... -
Merchants from the Southern Netherlands and the rise of the Amsterdam staple ...
Historical sources, like the Poortersboeken Amsterdam, two tax registers, Notarieel Archief and VOC/WIC-archives have been used in order to create a dataset on 16th and 17th... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/4
The emphasis of the study is on replication of standard SJM topics: evaluation of the socioeconomic and political situation; trust in institutions; Slovenian Politbarometer;... -
Automation and taxation:An empirical assessment in Europe
Decomposing taxes by source (labor, capital, sales), we analyze the impact of automation (1) on tax revenues, (2) the structure of taxation, and (3) identify channels of impact...