SPSS Code for the Development and Validation of Measurement Instruments in th...
Here you find SPSS code, which is used for the development and validation of measurement instruments (questionnaire, test, items, scale) for the social sciences. The description... -
Mplus Code for the Development and Validation of Measurement Instruments in t...
Here you find Mplus code, which is used for the development and validation of measurement instruments (questionnaire, test, items, scale) for the social sciences. The... -
Stata Code for the Development and Validation of Measurement Instruments in t...
Here you find Stata code, which is used for the development and validation of measurement instruments (questionnaires, tests, items, scales) for the social sciences. The... -
Code/Syntax: Politische Einstellungspolarisierung in Deutschland
Die vorliegende Studie umfasst die Stata Skript Datei zur Replikation von quantitativen Ergebnissen eines in der Sozialen Welt erschienen Artikels. Die Zitation des Artikels... -
Replication Data for: Subject Placement in the History of Latin
The present dataset was used in a corpus study on the diachrony of subject placement in the history of Latin, to appear in 'Catalan Journal of Linguistics'. The main file... -
Replication data for Verb placement in L3 French and L3 German: The role of l...
Dataset Abstract This dataset contains data from an experimental study on third language acquisition of verb placement. All participants are first language (L1) speakers of... -
ChunkRel WS
ChunkRel-WS is a prototype service for recognition of three syntactic relations between chunks. The service may be run against plain text (input format: text), then the... -
Świgra — a parser of Polish
Świgra is a parser of Polish generating constituency trees using a DCG style grammar stemming from Marek Świdziński’s grammar “Gramatyka formalna języka polskiego” (1992). The... -
Lexicon of 55k multi-word lexical units linked to plWordNet, together with description of their syntactic bahaviour obtained in constraint language (WCCL). -
POLFIE Bank, an LFG structure bank of Polish: pol-nkjp1m-pargram-dev
The pol-nkjp1m-pargram-dev structure bank was created using POLFIE: an LFG grammar of Polish. This structure bank contains sentences from the NKJP1M subcorpus of NKJP which were... -
MWELexicon 1.1
Lexicon of 56,5k multi-word lexical units linked to plWordNet, together with description of their syntactic bahaviour obtained in constraint language (WCCL). -
POLFIE Bank, an LFG structure bank of Polish: pol-składnica-pargram
The pol-składnica-pargram structure bank was created using POLFIE: an LFG grammar of Polish. This structure bank contains FULL type sentences from Składnica, which were in turn... -
Dependency tree extraction tool STARK 1.0
STARK is a python-based command-line tool for extraction of dependency trees from parsed corpora, aimed at corpus-driven linguistic investigations of syntactic phenomena of... -
Service for querying dependency treebanks Drevesnik 1.0
Drevesnik (https://orodja.cjvt.si/drevesnik/) is an online service for querying syntactically parsed corpora in Slovenian using the Universal Dependencies annotation scheme with... -
Latin Valency Lexicon - VALLEX (ELEXIS)
Latin VALLEX is a valency lexicon for Latin. It was built in close connection with the semantic/pragmatic annotation of the Index Thomisticus Treebank and the Latin Dependency... -
IT-VaLex is a collection of verbal lexical entries enhanced with valency and subcategorization frames at a syntactic level. IT-VaLex is closely related to the Index Thomisticus... -
STO syntax (v2) - LMF format
The STO (SprogTeknologisk Ordbase) lexicon is a comprehensive computational lexicon of Danish developed for NLP/HLT applications. The syntax layer of the lexicon, presented here... -
POLFIE: an LFG grammar of Polish
POLFIE is an LFG grammar of Polish implemented in the XLE system (Xerox Linguistic Environment). POLFIE has been developed at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy... -
Świgra is a parser of Polish generating constituency trees using a DCG style grammar stemming from Marek Świdziński’s grammar “Gramatyka formalna języka polskiego” (1992). The... -
KPWr chunks 2021
357 documents from KPWr corpus annotated manually at syntactic level (chunks). Please cite as: Oleksy, M., Walentynowicz, W., & Wieczorek, J. (2021). New approach to the...