Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene KSSS 2.0
The database of the Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene 2.0 contains 4,491,958 collocations in 81,443 entries. Collocations occur in 81 different syntactic relations.... -
Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene KSSS 1.0
The database of the Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene 1.0 contains entries for 35,862 headwords (18,043 nouns, 5,148 verbs, 10,259 adjectives and 2,412 adverbs) and... -
Multiword Expressions lexicon extracted from the Gigafida 2.1 corpus
The MWE lexicon was extracted from the Gigafida 2.1 Corpus of Written Standard Slovene (https://www.clarin.si/noske/run.cgi/corp_info?corpname=gfida21) using specialized scripts... -
Frequency lists of collocations from the Gigafida 2.1 corpus
Frequency lists of collocations were extracted from the Gigafida 2.1 Corpus of Written Standard Slovene (https://www.clarin.si/noske/run.cgi/corp_info?corpname=gfida21) using... -
Dependency tree extraction tool STARK 3.0
STARK is a highly customizable tool designed for extracting different types of syntactic structures (trees) from parsed corpora (treebanks), aimed at corpus-driven linguistic... -
Annotated collocation candidates for three common syntactic structures in Slo...
This resource contains 713,310 collocation candidates, which were automatically extracted from the Gigafida 2.0 corpus (http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1320) and annotated whether... -
eSSKJ collocations 1.0
The database of eSSKJ Collocations 1.0 contains entries for 1797 headwords (1186 nouns, 140 verbs, 421 adjectives, and 48 adverbs) and 167 multi-word expressions with 3098...