Oxygen consumption, hydrogen accumulation, iron accumulation and sulfate redu...
This data set was collected from incubations of sediment collected from the intertidal sandbank Janssand, behind the back barrier island Spiekeroog, in the German Wadden Sea.... -
Methanogenesis and Sulfate Reduction Data from IODP Expedition 370, Nankai Tr...
This dataset contains potential ex-situ microbial methanogenesis and sulfate reduction rates determined with radiotracer techniques (¹⁴C-bicarbonate and ³⁵S-sulfate incubations,... -
Raw data for "Dimethyl sulfide emissions from peatlands result more from orga...
This project investigated the immediate and long-term processes leading to the volatile sulfur compounds dimethyl sulfide, methanethiol, and hydrogen sulfide in freshwater fen... -
AMOR-Bflux porewater and sediment data
Estuarine regions are generally considered a major source of atmospheric CO2 as a result of the high organic carbon (OC) mineralization rates in their water column and...