Hot subdwarf binaries
Hot subdwarf stars are compact blue evolved objects, that are located by the blue end of the Horizontal Branch. Most models agree on a common envelope binary evolution scenario... -
Candidate halo dark matter
The Milky Way galaxy contains a large, spherical component which is believed to harbor a substantial amount of unseen matter. Recent observations indirectly suggest that as much... -
Light curves and eclipse times of HW Vir
A growing number of eclipsing binary systems of the HW Virginis (HW Vir) kind (i.e. composed by a subdwarf-B/O primary star and an M dwarf secondary) show variations in their... -
Search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS I
We report the results of our search for pulsating subdwarf B stars in full frame images, sampled at 30 min cadence and collected during Year 1 of the TESS mission. Year 1 covers... -
Mode identification in 3 pulsating hot subdwarfs
We report on the detection of pulsations of three pulsating subdwarf B stars observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) satellite and our results of mode... -
Wide astrometric companions with Gaia DR2
Evolution of close binaries often proceeds through the common envelope stage. The physics of the envelope ejection (CEE) is not yet understood, and several mechanisms were... -
Abundance analyses of hot subdwarfs with Subaru
The discovery of extremely zirconium- and lead-rich surfaces amongst a small subgroup of hot subdwarfs has provoked questions pertaining to chemical peculiarity in hot star... -
K2 observations of binaries PHL 457 and EQ Psc
We present an analysis of two pulsating subdwarf B stars PHL 457 and EQ Psc observed during the K2 mission. The K2 light curves of both stars show variation consistent with... -
White dwarf and subdwarf stars in SDSS DR14
White dwarfs carry information on the structure and evolution of the Galaxy, especially through their luminosity function and initial-to-final mass relation. Very cool white... -
Bright white dwarfs for high-speed photometry
The upcoming NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will obtain space-based uninterrupted light curves for a large sample of bright white dwarfs distributed across... -
New hot subdwarf stars
Recent massive sky surveys in different bandwidths are providing new opportunities to modern astronomy. The Virtual Observatory (VO) represents the adequate framework to handle... -
GALEX survey subdwarf atmospheric parameters
We present an update of our low-resolution spectroscopic follow-up and model atmosphere analysis of hot subdwarf stars from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) survey. Targets... -
UVEX sources spectroscopic follow-up
We present the results of the first spectroscopic follow-up of 132 optically blue ultraviolet (UV)-excess sources selected from the UV-Excess Survey of the Northern Galactic... -
Radial velocity monitoring of PG 1018-047
About 50 per cent of all known hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) reside in close (short-period) binaries, for which common-envelope ejection is the most likely formation mechanism.... -
High proper motion stars in SA 94
We have applied the astrometric techniques devised by Murray (1986MNRAS.223..649M) for analysis of 48-inch Schmidt photographic data to SuperCOSMOS scans of UK Schmidt plates... -
KPD UV-excess objects
A survey for ultraviolet-excess objects has been performed for over about 1000sq.deg of the Galactic plane. Photographic blue and ultraviolet plates were obtained to select... -
Flares in hot subdwarf & WDs from TESS photometry
Stellar flares are critical phenomena on stellar surfaces, which are closely tied to stellar magnetism. While extensively studied in main-sequence (MS) stars, their occurrence... -
He-rich hot subdwarf stars from LAMOST and Gaia DR3
We conducted an analysis of the abundances of He, C, and N in 210 He-rich hot subdwarfs observed within both the Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) and LAMOST DR7 data sets. This... -
3-D selection of 167 sub-stellar companions
We analyze 5108 AFGKM stars with at least five high-precision radial velocity points, as well as Gaia and Hipparcos astrometric data, utilizing a novel pipeline developed in... -
Hot subdwarf candidates from LAMOST DR7
Hot subdwarf stars are a particular type of star that is crucial for studying binary evolution and atmospheric diffusion processes. In recent years, identifying hot subdwarfs by...