Multibeam bathymetry processed data (Reson SeaBat T50-P working area dataset)...
Multibeam bathymetry raw and processed data (RESON Seabat T50Extended Range) of Research Vessel Littorina at Fehmarn Belt in the western part of the Baltic Sea. The raw data... -
Multibeam bathymetry processed data (Reson SeaBat T50-P working area dataset)...
Multibeam bathymetry raw and processed data (RESON Seabat T50Extended Range) of Research Vessel Littorina at Fehmarn Belt in the western part of the Baltic Sea. The raw data... -
Multibeam data of Research Vessel Littorina at Fehmarn Belt as a benchmark da...
Multibeam bathymetry raw and processed data (RESON Seabat T50Extended Range) of Research Vessel Littorina at Fehmarn Belt in the western part of the Baltic Sea. The raw data... -
Visual Similarity Annotation Tool (V-SAT)
V-SAT is designed to streamline the organisation of image collections. Whether you have a structured folder hierarchy or a jumble of unsorted images, the tool simplifies the... -
Kompetenzorientiertes E-Assessment für die grafische Modellierung (KEA-Mod)
Im Forschungsprojekt KEA-Mod stand das Ziel im Vordergrund, die Qualität der Lehre in Veranstaltungen mit Fachbezug zur grafischen Modellierung in der (Wirtschafts-) Informatik... -
wgtdistrim: Stata module for trimming extreme sampling weights
Stata module that implements Potter's (1990) weight distribution approach to trim extreme sampling weights. The basic idea is that the sampling weights are assumed to follow a... -
SHARK-capture supporting data
Supporting datasets for publication: SHARK-capture identifies functional motifs in intrinsically disordered protein regions -
Routing Service: A data centre federation for the seismological community
This service provides routing information for distributed data centres, in the case where multiple different seismic data centres offer access to data and products using... -
Ifo Investment Survey Industry (2022)
Der ifo Investitionstest für das Verarbeitende Gewerbe wird seit 1955 halbjährlich (im Frühjahr und im Herbst) vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind... -
lidaRtRee: R package for forest analysis with airborne laser scanning (LiDAR)...
lidaRtRee is an R package that provides functions for forest analysis using airborne laser scanning (LiDAR remote sensing) data: tree detection (method 1 in Eysn et al., 2015)... -
IGMAS+: Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
IGMAS+ is a software combining 3-D forward and inverse modeling, interactive visualization and interdisciplinary interpretation of potential fields and their applications under... -
IGMAS+: Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
IGMAS+ is a software for 3-D modelling of potential fields and its derivatives under the condition of constraining data and independent information. It comes with tools for... -
IGMAS+: Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
IGMAS+ is a software combining 3-D forward and inverse modeling, interactive visualization and interdisciplinary interpretation of potential fields and their applications under... -
A software for measuring pore edge tension of biomembranes
Raw data for measuring pore edge tension of lipid membranes -
TUNER-compliant error estimation for MIPAS: Methodology - Supplement Software...
Error estimation software and example data Supplement for publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-15-6991-2022 For detailed description of the method and its validation,... -
Shack-Hartman sensor wavefront reconstruction software
This software retrieves the different contrasts transmission, scattering and differential phase from 2D patterned images of Hartman or Shack-Hartman sensors. Additionally the... -
ANCISTRUS software and Processor library
ANCISTRUS software version Processor library version 1.8.0 The ANCISTRUS package derives atmospheric circulation from MIPAS/ENVISAT monthly mean VMR distributions. For... -
Ifo Investment Survey Industry (2018)
Der ifo Investitionstest für das Verarbeitende Gewerbe wird seit 1955 halbjährlich (im Frühjahr und im Herbst) vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind... -
Ifo Investment Survey Industry (2020)
Der ifo Investitionstest für das Verarbeitende Gewerbe wird seit 1955 halbjährlich (im Frühjahr und im Herbst) vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind... -
Ifo Investment Survey Industry (2021)
Der ifo Investitionstest für das Verarbeitende Gewerbe wird seit 1955 halbjährlich (im Frühjahr und im Herbst) vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind...