Verwijzing naar de data van: NSCR School project - network data (Problem beha...
NSCR-Schoolproject is the umbrella for a research program with four partial studies, aimed at enhancing insights into the development of delinquency and other problem behavior... -
Verwijzing naar de data van: NSCR School project - pilot study
Pilot for the NSCR School project among 148 vmbo (preporatory vociational) students in The Hague, partly pencil and paper, partly via computer. PILOT to test the questionnaire... -
Verwijzing naar de data van: NSCR School project - longitudinal survey (Probl...
Schoolproject is the umbrella for a research program with four partial studies, aimed at enhancing insights into the development of delinquency and other problem behavior of... -
Data for: Proximity to humans affects local social structure in a giraffe met...
Data for Bond et al. 2020 Proximity to humans affects local social structure in a giraffe metapopulation, Journal of Animal Ecology.