16S rRNA-Based metagenomic analysis of microbial communities of green snow (A...
16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing of two green snow samples collected at the coastal area of the Eastern part of Antarctica -
Arctic Metagenomes
Metagenomes from the Alaskan Arctic sequenced on MiSeq -
Metabarcoding surveys of the Arctic marine environment
This is a collection of samples taken for metabarcoding of environmental samples following the Earth Microbiome Project protocol.</p><p>For bacteria and archaea, we... -
Microbial diversity in terrestrial and marine habitats from Antarctica
16S rRNA sequencing of terrestrial and marine samples from Antarctica -
Seasonal snow metagenome from Antarctic Peninsula and in the South Shetland I...
Seasonal snow deposited during the last winter were collected in six different regions of the Antarctic Peninsula and in the South Shetland Islands between November and December... -
Antarctic Surface Snow
Lopatina A., Medvedeva S., Shmakov S., Logacheva M. D., Krylenkov V., and Severinov K. (2016) Metagenomic Analysis of Bacterial Communities of Antarctic Surface Snow. Front... -
Seasonal Variation of the Atmospheric Bacterial Community in the Greenlandic ...
The Arctic is a hot spot for climate change with potentially large consequences on a global scale. Aerosols, including bioaerosols, are important players in regulating the heat...