PAN-00138621 - shoe
This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00138621 Modified: 2023-11-27T17:04:08+01:00 -
PAN-00139028 - shoe
This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00139028 Modified: 2023-11-27T15:34:47+01:00 -
PAN-00138583 - shoe
This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00138583 Modified: 2023-11-27T17:21:38+01:00 -
Marquette University BIOL4802 Experimental Microbiology
Single isolates from an undergraduate microbiology laboratory class at Marquette University (BIOL4802). In this class, students think of a question about a particular...